Clear Creek

A nice trail along the Clear Creek river.

Location: Golden, CO


2.61 mi

Net Elevation

0.1 ft

Elevation Gain

80.2 ft

Elevation Difference

71.5 ft

Lowest Elevation

5662 ft

Highest Elevation

5733.5 ft

Quest Runs: Sun Sep 15th at 6:00 AM - Tue Dec 31st at 8:00 PM

This is one of 6 courses that you will complete to earn your Three Creeks Half Marathon medal.  After hiking, walking or running the course be sure to upload the results for ALL participants that completed the trail with you.

Remember there won't be any course markings whenever you decide to run, so take a couple minutes to study the course map, especially the finish line.  Use the Find Starting Point feature either through a web browser or with Google Maps to pinpoint your exact starting location.

Please read the rules below and best of luck on your run.

Quest Team Groups

No Current Teams

Add a new group/team for when you're looking to run with others.

Course Map

Elevation Chart


Welcome to Our Quest!

This is more than just a virtual race; it's an experience aimed at fostering motivation while upholding the spirit of true competition - a quest. Our goal is to track genuine winners, maintain the race's authenticity, and most importantly, ensure everyone has fun! 

This is what we think a quest is: You live in a neighborhood somewhere and about a mile from your house is a lake with a trail around it.  You often race the loop to see how fast you are.  Probably not every day (wild man) or even every week, but it's your spot.  We think this kind of adventure should be called a quest, and that there are probably many of these cool places out there.  We want to find them and find the other motivated people to run it with.

Joining the Run: Guidelines and Rules

  • Primary Rule: Stay Motivated!
Tracking Your Run

  • Start a new activity for your quest - GPS calculations are complicated - to say the least.  We believe we've figured out ways to extract your course time from your overall activity, but it's vague.  You start and stop your watch for other races, so do it here.
  • Run - Don't bike, or roller skate, or drive, or do anything but run - just don't.  We allow crab walks, but only ones uploaded online with the hashtag - #TheDayQuest.
  • Upload your results on time - Your results track the time of your run.  When you upload, we will check to make your the activity took place during the quest period, that the time when you uploaded took place during the quest period, and that the activity matches the course.
  • Register before you upload - If you try to run a quest and upload to Garmin without first registering for the quest, we will ignore your activity.
  • We track elapsed time, not moving time.
  • Don't upload activities from where you live or work - If you upload an activity longer than the course, we'll do our best to deal with it, but we'll show your full activity.  We enjoy privacy as much as the next person, so don't share more than you're comfortable with.

Winning the Run: Here's What You Need to Know

  • Results: Results will become available as they are received.  Results can only be uploaded between the start and end times for the quest.  Results may vary.  We want to try new things so we're going to start with a performance score.  This utilizes a unique algorithm that combines aspects of age grading to allow men and women of all ages to compete against each other.
  • Eligibility to Win:
    • You must submit a run result. Acceptable submissions include uploads from Garmin or valid GPX files.  We don't think a manual result should be eligible but we could easily change this depending on what people think.
    • Alongside your submission, provide access to a public running account, like Strava. This will not be made public, but our admins may use it to validate your run. For instance, if you post a result that doesn't align with your usual performance metrics, we might ask for further proof.

Additional Points to Keep in Mind:

  • Our system might not be foolproof. We trust our participants not to exploit any loopholes. However, if you emerge as a winner, we may ask to review other runs for verification purposes.
  • It's essential to approach this with a sporting spirit. While we aim for accuracy, errors may occur given the unpredictability of GPS and other factors. For those familiar with Strava segments, we all know that mishaps can happen (like forgetting to switch the tracker mode). Let's maintain an understanding and calm demeanor throughout.

Remember, this is all in good fun with a pinch of competition. Enjoy the race!

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